After decades of study with shamans, healers, Curenderos and Masters, Starr Fuentes has dedicated her life to helping others with the full unfolding of their purposes, paths and destinies. A master healer, spiritual teacher and intuitive Starr teaches more than 400 subjects, and has guided countless individuals down the path of healing, self-awareness and truth.
She combines the use of modern psychological tools with ancient healing and shamanistic traditions, presenting a fountain of information in a teaching style that is animated, dynamic, and full of life. She has trained over one-hundred teachers who continue to spread her alternative healing wisdom throughout the United States, Europe, Israel, Brazil, Australia, Canada, and Asia.
starr gazing
For more information,
Call +1 (501) 609-0660Â
Email Info@starrfuentes.com
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LATEST NEWS and videos
As an intuitive for 55 years, every time I mention manifestation, I see piles of cash and red sports cars…
Around the turn of each century, the world as we know it has ceased to exist. Each time a new…
Deep within each of us exists the longing for the self to be whole and completely connected to Source. Through…

I want to thank you so much for the healing you blessed me with yesterday. What a gift you are to us all.

In October 2005 I took a mate magnet class with you and discovered that I have a mate in this lifetime who must be very special to me. I met my mate in December and July 7th we are getting married. I love him so much and he loves me the same! Thank you so much for everything! With much love and gratitude –

Your psychic surgery on me has retained its healing. You really dissolved those cysts in my breasts that were present even before puberty. I was amazed at how instantly the healing took place. Thank you for your good work.

I can’t thank you enough for all your help, kindness and hospitality. I feel great and my bladder is functioning better and my overall condition feels stronger.

Thank you from the nuclei of every cell in my body and from the essence of my being for helping me break the cancer chain in my lineage.

I am ecstatic to report that my bone x-rays came out ‘stable” and my CT scan showed no new sites of disease and my MRI of the brain tumor out “normal”! Thank you Starr for your part in my healing.

My scan showed the spots on my lung to be “appreciably smaller,” according to the radiologist and my oncologist could not find them at all. Thank you, thank you. I left a new-born again person. I’m still feeling the excitement from the experience of Casa Alma. My life has changed. I feel as if I’m with the living once again…

I have been a client of Starr’s for two years and have greatly benefited from her healing.My chronic fatigue fro systemic lupus has diminished significantly.I have returned to work for the first time in years.I am off my medication for the first time in 16 years.I recommend Starr to many friends and acquaintances.

Starr is a gift to us all.

Starr’s work has brought about enormous positive change in my life.It was Starr’s ability to assess my situation with complete clarity and her skill at clearing disruptive energies swiftly and completely that brought me overnight relief. I have great respect and the utmost regard for her work.

You have helped me tremendously and I feel transformed!

It’s quite astounding how quickly and directly you can pick up the essence and character of a person.

I know I was totally healed by the energy healing taught by Starr. I know feel no pain physically or emotionally. I feel that I have taken control of my future instead of the past taking me into the future.