2818 Park Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71901

One Day or Evening Classes P-R

A – C   |   D – F   |   G – I    |   J – L    |    M – O    |   P – R   |    S – T   |   U – Y


Expand your knowledge of the parathyroid as you consider the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beliefs and behaviors that affect this organ. Learn energetic techniques to help your patients/clients deactivate their unhealthy patterns, as well as practical action steps you can recommend to support their healing process.

Parkinson's Disease

Examine the original cause and core issues of Parkinson’s disease as well as the energetic expression of the disease. Receive techniques that will deliver the Bio-Energetic nutrition necessary to help patients/clients make new choices that will shift the energy of this troublesome condition.

Party of One

Some people turn to one dysfunctional relationship after another because they ere terrified to be alone. In order to attract healthy relationships, it is important to first be happy being alone with yourself. Receive tools and tips on how to be at peace and harmony in solitude, at one with yourself.


The storage of knowledge is one of the mysteries in science. Knowledge and consciousness are some of the most important ‘phenomena’ in understanding life. So what’s the mechanism behind them? Find out in this class that transcends understanding and turns knowing into being.

Ph Balance Class

Explore the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual characteristics that accompany different Ph levels. Learn shamanic healing techniques to correct and support the balance of the body’s Ph level.

Phenomenal Healing

Discover how it is possible to heal in ways that surpass physical plane laws and experience the healing that occurs in the light of pure Source. As you witness the physical plane manifestation of phenomena, you will experience a shift in your own auric field and your healing abilities will become amplified.

Photonic Infusion

Discover how to store, metabolize, heal, multiply, and amplify your energy with photons. Shift into a new paradigm of greater light with practical techniques, hands-on exercises, lecture and meditation to add umph to your current healing practice.

Physical Healing Now!

Explore the ways in which one’s physical state is the product of one’s own creation and disease is the body’s way of communicating that something is out of alignment. Learn to realign your patients’/clients’ energies so that they may better cope with disease and move toward health.

Physics and Mechanics of Light

Explore the physics and mechanics of light with an emphasis on how this information pertains to healing with light energy. Receive quantum downloads that will energize you and enhance your ability to emanate light to your friends, family, pets, patients, and clients.

Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is linked to the third eye where psychic vision occurs. It is also considered by some to be the master gland of the body. Learn to rejuvenate and activate the pineal gland with a powerful meditation technique that you will be eager to share with your patients and clients.

Plagiarizing the Higher Self

Have you copy and pasted someone else’s ideas onto your perception of your higher self? Access the uniqueness and originality of your true being as you strip away what is not yours to discover the buried treasure that is you.


Examine the layers of existence beyond the physical and learn what takes place at each level or plane. Learn to consciously explore the nooks and crannies of the astral plane and discover how to move to even higher realms.

Planetary Intervention

Discover bio-energetic ways that you can contribute to the healing of the planet. Learn what we as a species must do in order for Earth to be accepted into the Galactic Federation.

Players, Fast Life-ing

Explore the energetic effects of living fast and loose. Learn how it can affect your energy level and cause dis-ease in the body. Receive energetic adjustments that will help you shift into a healthier lifestyle.

Plugged In

Where do you focus your attention? Are you plugged in to Source or are you plugged in to lower energies that drain you of your power? Learn how to unplug from what no longer serves you as you strengthen your connection to Source.

Positive Discipline

Do you or your patients/clients struggle with being undisciplined and does this lead to unwanted chaos and missed opportunities? Receive the energetic tools that will allow a shift in consciousness so that you and others may embrace the energy of discipline with an eager heart and active follow through.

Power Healing

Tap into the power of several different types of healing energy. Discover which energies come through you with the most strength. Receive your own personal power signature which will amplify your healing sessions.

Power Moves

Learn physical movements to strengthen and brighten your energy field. These moves will enhance your healing session and some of them are appropriate to share with your patients/clients.

Power Shortages

Explore what drains you of energy and what you can do about it. As you learn about your own power shortages, you will gain insights into how to help your friends, family, patients and clients with similar issues.

Prayer in Action

Discover the shamanic secret to activating prayers so that they manifest in physical plane reality. Create “luck” in your life through the everyday activities so that the energy you expend goes out into the universe and collects more energy that is then returned to you.

Preparing the Body for Surgery

It is possible to prepare the body energetically for surgery so that the procedure is not traumatic to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Discover how to facilitate swift recovery for yourself, your friends, your family, and your patients/clients.


Does procrastination interfere with the achievement of your goals, big and small? Examine the effects of procrastination at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Identify the core issue behind your procrastination and receive energetic tools to break through to the light on the other side.

Progress and Planning Strands of DNA

This class explains, energizes, and creates space for these specific DNA strands to be anchored in the energy body. Learn the ancient names and secret codes of these strands and discover which strands impact your life and which strands will cause challenges to your energy field.


Explore the energy of prosperity as you identify what blocks you from receiving it. Learn practical and energetic ways to draw prosperity to you in all areas of your life.

Psychosomatic Illnesses

Learn how to recognize when a disease is psychosomatic in nature. Discover how to identify the original cause behind the creation of the condition and receive to help your patient/client to create health and well-being in their lives NOW.

Purging Pain: Rewiring the Source of Pain

Has pain become the ultimate distraction in your life that blocks your light and purpose? Explore the energy of pain and examine its source as you learn practical ways to reframe it to dissipate its intensity. Examine the comfort that accompanies pain and keeps you stuck. Discover how to transform pain into a catalyst for personal growth for yourself and others.

Purple Color Class

Discover new ways to work with the wise spiritual energy of the color purple through herbs, gemstones, and dietary recommendations. Learn to emanate this color energetically to your patients/clients and explore which conditions best respond to this healing energy.


This is an invitation to examine at a soul level the reason you came to this planet this lifetime. Discover what interferes with being on purpose as you receive energetic adjustments to bring you into alignment with why you are here.

Pushing the Panic Button

Explore the energy of panic and its effect on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Learn energy techniques that will allow you to remain calm and focused when faced with panic situations and discover bio-energetic ways to bring peace to a person already in panic mode.

Quantum String Initiation

Receive the teachings that will allow you to obtain large blocks of information from Source about the past, present, and future. In the process you will let go of karmic distractions, unwanted genetic patterning, nested loops of past negativity, and frozen pattern blocks that interfere with your being the best healer that you can be.

Rainbow Healing

Each color of the rainbow contains specific healing frequencies. Learn to emanate the full spectrum of the rainbow, bringing each individual color energy through in the appropriate amount and intensity for the individual receiving the healing.

Rapid Surgical Recovery

Explore practical and energetic ways to assist the healing process after surgery. Learn how to clear the body from the negative effects of anesthesia and medication and fill the body with revitalizing healing energy.

Reading Energy and Auras

Moods, situations, emotions, and health all impact the aura. Learn to read auras and identify different energies as a way to better assess the needs of your patients/clients.

Recognizing Etheric Beings

Etheric beings are everywhere observing and/or participating in the energetic flow. Learn to recognize Etheric beings and co-create energies with them in your healing sessions.

Red Color Class

Discover new ways to work with the active energy of the color red through herbs, gemstones, and dietary recommendations. Learn to emanate this color energetically to your patients/clients and explore which conditions best respond to this healing energy.

Red Flags

Improve your discernment about what is in your highest good as you discover how to move past the blindness caused by what you think you want.. Open to your inner guidance as you learn to recognize when red flags are waving at you, warning not to go there.

Removing Blocks to Conception

Fertility is about giving and receiving and working together as a team. Identify energetic blocks that interfere with conception and co-creation. Discover bio-energetic tools to help remove these blocks for yourself and your patients/clients. It is best if both partners participate in this class.

Reproductive System

Explore the energy of the reproductive system and receive Bio-Energetic tools for shifting this energy into a state of greater health. Learn to recognize how reproductive energy is expressed physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and gain insights into how imbalances in this energy can affect multiple areas of one’s life.

Reshaping the Energy Field

The harsh impact of car accidents and other traumas can distort a person’s energy field. Learn how to recognize when such displacement has occurred as well as how to restore it to a more appropriate shape and position.

Resonance and Strength Strands of DNA

This class explains, energizes, and creates space for these specific DNA strands to be anchored in the energy body. Learn the ancient names and secret codes of these strands and discover which strands impact your life and which strands will cause challenges to your energy field.

Respiratory System

Explore the energy of the respiratory system and receive Bio-Energetic tools for shifting this energy into a state of greater health. Learn to recognize how respiratory energy is expressed physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and gain insights into how imbalances in this energy can affect multiple areas of one’s life.

Roads and Destinations

Do you sometimes feel lost, like you don’t know where you are going? Explore the distractions that pull you off track and slow your journey. Receive energetic adjustments that will bring you to the most direct way to get where you are going.

Root (1st) Chakra Class

The root chakra is your key to survival. It represents your connection to the physical plane and is the seat of your life force energy. Learn how you create energies that block or amplify the energies of the root chakra so that you and your patients/clients can maintain a healthy connection to the material plane.

Rose Magic

Through the ages, in many cultures, the rose has been an important symbol of higher vibrational energy. Learn to work with the true mystery of the Rose and the special “medicine” only a rose can provide.

Rules of the Game

Examine the patterns we create around the rules in our lives. Whether you are a rule-follower or a rule-breaker, you will empower yourself to win when you identify the energies that are ruling you.

A – C   |   D – F   |   G – I    |   J – L    |    M – O    |   P – R   |    S – T   |   U – Y

Guide to teacher certification

The process of acquiring teacher certification for our classes depends on the individual subjects. Prospective teachers are typically required to meet the basic requirement of attending the same class twice (preferably with two different teachers) to demonstrate sufficient content knowledge and competency in the subject matter they teach.

However, some of the more complex classes (e.g Dimensional Mastery) require prospective teachers to undergo apprenticeship for additional training. Certification for these classes is at the discretion of the teacher which go beyond core subject-matter competencies. The intent here is to ensure that teachers demonstrate a certain degree of spiritual mastery in order to be certified.